Category: Lobster

Get Your Holiday Catering Orders In!

Its holiday party season and PJ Lobster House in Port Jefferson NY is ready to take your catering orders, but hurry before it is too late! Our extensive catering menu covers everything including platters, side dishes, entrees, and starters. We can even cater to an off-site clam bar under a 10×10 foot tent, where we will shuck your seafood for two hours.

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Why You Should be Eating More Seafood

We all know that beef and pork aren’t the healthiest meats that a person can partake of. And oftentimes chicken can get so bland and boring. But seafood has always been one of the healthiest alternatives to land-based protein available and a recent study went a whole lot further in showing many of the other numerous benefits that the catch of the day can offer. Of course, this made all of us at PJ Lobster House beyond excited as we have been espousing the many virtues of seafood for years!

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The Luxury of Lobster!

Did you know lobster wasn’t always considered a luxury food
? In the 1600s, lobster was plentiful and easily available to those living near the ocean. Lobster was considered regular food and was even given to prisoners and servants by European colonists. This “poor man’s food” has come a long way. Today, lobster is considered a luxury food and many people think of it as a special treat. To learn how lobster became what it is today, continue reading this blog post.

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